Brilliant Moon Phases Excel Spreadsheet

It has formulas code and data from many sources on the internet See Credits worksheets and it presents the data in a way that I understand.
Moon phases excel spreadsheet. When these Numbers X and Differences Y are plotted on the graphs this is what you see above. Below is a list of all the Excel spreadsheets available from this Web site. Mph kmh ms knots Wind Speed.
The Diff column is the key to this whole exercise and it shows the difference in days between one full moon and the next to two decimal places. 1- Format the column ex A as text. I added a few UK holidays bank holidays and Easter Monday.
Ive updated the spreadsheet to be compatible with OpenOffice Calc and Excel 2007. Public Function MoonAge InputDate As Date As Date startDate 3182011 MoonAge InputDate - startDate Mod 29. Full Moon Dates for Excel AB.
Naval Observatory Moon Phases Tool. HEMISPHERE HOW TO USE. Select the table input.
Then copy down for as many rows as needed. Find out the 2021 Full Moon Dates customized to YOUR location. First turn the top Viewing Wheel to a date or date range for which you would like to know the moon phase andor viewing location.
Moon Phase Calculator is simple and easy to use tool that allows you to calculate the phase of the Moon for any time in the past or future and to search for the next or previous full moon new moon or first or last quarterThe day month and year can be changed using the keyboard or. As my 2nd hobby is astrophysics I have spent some time to search the web for some calculations and code. You input your data in the Data worksheet and wait for the spreadsheet to recalculate and update all the associated worksheets which include Moon Data for your chosen Date Moon Data for the next 30.